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Sistem operasi ponsel adalah software utama yang bertanggungjawab mengatur dan mengkoordinasikan seluruh aktivitas ponsel. Tidak seperti sistem operasi komputer, sistem operasi pada ponsel dibuat lebih sederhana. Kata kunci dari sistem operasi ponsel adalah keterbukaan SDK yang memungkinkan pihak ketiga membuat software baru untuk dijalankan di sistem OS tersebut. Sebenarnya semua ponsel yang ada di pasaran memiliki sistem operasi. Namun kebanyakan masih menggunakan sistem operasi bawaan vendor yang "tertutup". OS ponsel seperti ini disebut sistem operasi tertutup (closed source) dan biasa disebut ponsel non-OS. Biasanya untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan pengguna ponsel yang masuk dalam platform ini, mereka memasang mesin virtual java, lengkap dengan sejumlah standar antarmuka atau API. Ponsel-ponsel ini kemudian disebut dengan ponsel JAVA. Di Indonesia ponsel-ponsel yang beredar dipasaran setidaknya ada lima OS yang sudah familiar dengan pengguna ponsel di Tanah Air diantaranya ; SYMBIAN, iPHONE, BLACKBERRY, MICROSOFT WINDOWS MOBILE, DAN JAVA LINUX.



Saturday, April 25, 2009


Battery power is not infinite unfortunately and it is really important to ensure that you don’t find yourself without any battery power right when you need it the most!

So if you are interesting on how to make sure this never happens to you read on!

With Battery Manager, monitoring the state of your battery has never been easier. Battery Manager by KloNom is a freeware power monitoring and battery controlling utility that will help you to take the control over the battery and to prevent unexpected battery drain.

Battery Manager is capable to read the current battery level and inform the user whether the device will require recharging and take automatic actions like switching off Bluetooth or changing the active profile based on the user settings. This will ensure the user can plan ahead and keep the device charged up.

So if you want to switch to ‘battery saving mode’ at the e.g. the last two remaining bars but you don’t want and you have no time to always look on your phone you can use Battery Manager! You can set simple Alerts and set Profile or Bluetooth related actions.



Here is an example on how to radically save the battery power when it reach just one bar: Open Battery Manager. Click Options->Settings->Profile actions. Select Change Profile at 1 Bar. At next menu select Change Profile to Offline. Now do the same for the Bluetooth and At last, just click Options->Start Battery-Managing, put it to Background and relax ;)

Of course, that’s just an example and you can set it to nearly all basic Profiles. You can be warned at a specific Battery State with Sound or switch on/off Bluetooth. You even can have multiple actions, like switch off Bluetooth at 3 Bars and change Profile at 1 Bar.


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